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Breast cancer is a complex disease with various risk factors, including hormonal influences namely estrogen and progesterone, acting through estrogen and progesterone receptors. The question of whether hormone therapy (actually an anti-hormone therapy) can cure breast cancer requires a better understanding of the disease & its biology and treatment.


Breast cancer often exhibits a hormone-linked nature, with risk factors such as early menarche, late menopause, and delayed or no childbirth. Longer exposure to elevated estrogen levels, particularly when not balanced by sufficient progesterone, can lead to increased cell proliferation in breast tissues. Additionally, exogenous hormones from hormone replacement therapy and oral contraceptives have been associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.

Some, not all, breast cancer tumours express hormone receptors, making them sensitive to hormones and termed hormone-sensitive breast cancers. These receptors can bind to estrogen and progesterone, promoting tumour growth. Therefore, blocking these receptors or inhibiting hormone production can curb cancer growth, reducing the risk of recurrence or metastasis. However, it is essential to note that hormone therapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Some aggressive, hormone receptor-negative tumours require early chemotherapy for the best response and do not respond at all to any hormone therapy.

Understanding the sources of estrogen in premenopausal and postmenopausal women is crucial to planning hormone therapy. While functional ovaries contribute to estrogen in premenopausal women, postmenopausal women rely on peripheral fat tissue for estrogen production. Obesity increases the risk in postmenopausal women, emphasizing the importance of exercise and weight reduction in lowering the risk and preventing recurrences.

Anti-hormones like Tamoxifen are effective in treating hormone-sensitive breast cancers. These drugs compete with hormone receptors, preventing the action of circulating estrogen and progesterone, reducing cancer cell growth, and decreasing the risk of recurrence in both pre and postmenopausal women. Aromatase inhibitors are prescribed for postmenopausal women, inhibiting peripheral estrogen production and preventing tumour growth.

Can Hormone Therapy Cure Breast Cancer? In early-stage hormone-sensitive breast cancers, tamoxifen taken for 10 years reduces recurrence risk by 30% in premenopausal and 40% in postmenopausal women. They also reduce risk of opposite breast cancer by 50%. Regular self-awareness, breast self-examination, and early presentation for treatment are crucial for optimal outcomes.

While understanding the basics is vital, it is equally important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice. Individual risk factors and treatment options vary, emphasizing the need for discussions with doctors to tailor the approach to each person & its unique situation.

In conclusion, hormone therapy plays a significant role in treating hormone-sensitive breast cancers, but its effectiveness depends on various factors. Early detection, awareness, and timely consultation with healthcare professionals are pivotal for the best possible outcomes. Be proactive in self-examination, seek medical advice promptly, and complete your treatment regimen for the highest chances of success and potential cure.

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Experts Urge Preventive Action Amidst Global Surge in Infertility Cases

By:- Dr. (Sr) Beena, Honorary Consultant, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Holy Family Hospital

3 Apr 2024

Previously thought of as a private issue, male and female infertility is currently a health concern of immense proportions. Being a professional gynecologist with an area of specialization in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at the Holy Family Hospital, I understand and am highly familiar with the fact that infertility is on the rise. Infertility is described as pregnancy that cannot be achieved within 12 months of regular unprotected intercourse. Infertility is a medical problem affecting millions of people worldwide. According to stats about 10-15% of all couples suffer from infertility, with male factors contributing to almost 50% of all instances. Female infertility is responsible for 150 million couples around the fast-growing globe.

Moreover, roughly one-third of infertility is female infertility. These figures illustrate the intricacy of the condition, with men and women being both responsible. There are several major causes. Harmful behaviors, including smoking and extreme inebriation, as well as a sedentary environment, can all contribute to many issues with reproductive health . In addition, synthetic imbibing phytotoxins and pathogens present a tremendous threat to fertility . Finally, delayed child-bearing, mainly because of pursuing a career or social considerations, is a contributing element. Age is next on the list in terms of the most significant obstacles to childbearing. The quantity and quality of one’s ovules deteriorate over time, lowering fertility and raising the risk of health issues.

In addition, pregnant women aged 35 years or older have a higher risk of complications during pregnancy. In research published in the Human Reproduction Update, the probability of conception drops significantly after the age of 35 years, with a more prominent decline after 40 years. These statistics demonstrate the need for early intervention and education on fertility preservation methods among women of childbearing age. Male infertility, which has received less attention in discussions on reproductive health, warrants an equivalent intervention. According to the publication of Fertility and Sterility, the quality and quantities of sperms have dwindled among men in numerous regions globally.

Finally, numerous factors that contain environmental toxins, stress, and poor lifestyle choices play a role in the increase of the male factor of infertility. Comprehensive examination and treatment of male infertility are integral parts of a complete infertility treatment approach for Trying to Conceive (TTC) couples. Infertility care is a multi-pronged approach that integrates medical, psycho-social, and sociocultural considerations. Increased access to quality reproductive health care, fertility assessment, and spacing methods, as well as extensive counseling and advanced assisted reproduction technologies for couples with infertility, are all the stuff that they entail. Public health programs designed to elevate people’s consciousness, shift habits, and reduce access to environmental pollutants are critical tools for combating the infertility epidemic.

As healthcare professionals, policymakers, and advocates, we must work together to develop a focused action plan for reducing the effect of infertility on people, families, and societies. This is perceived to require stronger investments in research, education, and supportive infrastructure that upholds a comprehensive plan of fertility care.

Moreover, driving the policies to combat the stigma of ignorance against infertility and create a safe environment for those affected. With the mounting rates of male and female infertility, there is a growing need to address this issue on a global level. By making reproductive problems a public concern, we can support people in making safe decisions while seeking help. Let us come together to tackle the issues of infertility and ensure a brighter, healthier future.

DeepTek: Revolutionizing Medical Imaging and Fighting Tuberculosis



Established in the U.S. in 2017, DeepTek stands at the forefront of medical imaging AI startups, pioneering the successful integration of AI technology into clinical practice. With a mission to bridge the gap in the imaging sector, DeepTek's cutting-edge solutions powered by deep learning algorithms have garnered widespread acclaim for their tangible benefits to patients, hospitals, and radiologists alike. The organization has secured multiple regulatory clearances, including the prestigious US FDA Clearance, solidifying its position as a leader in the field. Currently serving over 500 hospitals across India, Singapore, Thailand, the Philippines, Nigeria, Kenya, and beyond, DeepTek impacts the lives of millions annually, earning the trust of prominent equity partners such as TATA Capital Healthcare Fund II and NTT DATA.


DeepTek's Fight Against Tuberculosis

Tuberculosis remains a significant global health concern, claiming millions of lives each year. Recognizing the urgent need for early detection to facilitate effective treatment, DeepTek has spearheaded initiatives to combat this deadly disease.


Genki: AI Powered Lung Health Screening Tool

In the battle against tuberculosis, DeepTek unveiled Genki, an AI-powered Lung Health Screening Tool designed to revolutionize the detection process. Genki addresses the critical need for swift and accurate diagnosis by leveraging US FDA-cleared AI technology.



Key Features of Genki

  • ·      Fast and Accurate: It analyses chest X-rays within a minute, triaging individuals with suspected pathologies like TB, pneumonia, and nodules. This rapid analysis allows for quicker diagnosis and treatment initiation.

  • ·      Ideal for Resource-Limited Settings: Genki works seamlessly with mobile X-ray vans and even handheld X-ray machines, making it perfect for remote areas with limited access to healthcare experts.

  • ·      Increased Screening Throughput: Compared to traditional methods, Genki can screen significantly more people per day, maximizing screening efficiency.

  • ·      Comprehensive Analysis: Beyond TB, Genki identifies 20 different chest abnormalities, offering a broader picture of lung health.


Impact and Validation

Independent evaluations by renowned organizations such as StopTB Partnership and Friends for International TB confirm Genki's effectiveness. Notably, in the Greater Chennai Corporation's (GCC's) TB Free initiative, Genki achieved 97% accuracy, comparable to human experts, and increased TB case detection by 25 times. This translates to a significant improvement, with Genki identifying 500 presumptive TB suspects per 100,000 people screened, compared to just 20 previously identified.


Empowering Underserved Communities

By combining ultra-portable X-ray devices with AI, Genki brings TB screening directly to underserved communities. This innovative solution has the potential to revolutionize TB detection efforts, leading to faster diagnoses, improved patient outcomes, and ultimately, saving lives. Genki can screen over 200 people per day in a camp, increasing throughput by six times compared to conventional methods. Moreover, the AI can provide instant results and triage patients suspected of having TB.

DeepTek's commitment to fighting TB extends to various regions, including prisons, construction sites, and schools across Indian states like Pondicherry, Gujarat, Himachal Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Haryana. Through these efforts, DeepTek is making significant strides in combating tuberculosis and enhancing public health on a global scale.


Reflecting on these developments - Dr. Amit Kharat, Co-Founder and CEO of DeepTek

"Unlike traditional methods, AI-based TB screening can be deployed on edge devices offline or in the cloud and synced with portable or handheld X-ray devices. This makes it ideal for regions with limited healthcare infrastructure. By introducing mass screening of the vulnerable population, AI has the potential to revolutionize TB detection. Solutions like Genki exemplify this potential by enabling faster diagnoses and expanding access to TB screening in underserved communities."



Mylab Discovery Solutions: Spearheading the Fight Against Tuberculosis


Mylab Discovery Solutions stands as a beacon in the Indian biotech landscape, specializing in Molecular, Serological, Immunology, and Imaging solutions. With a steadfast commitment to combating infectious and non-communicable diseases, Mylab is at the forefront of diagnostic innovation, empowering individuals to lead healthier lives.


Pioneering TB Solutions

Aligned with the Prime Minister's ambitious goal to eliminate TB from India by 2025, Mylab offers a comprehensive suite of solutions for TB screening, detection, and prevention. One notable advancement is the integration of Mylab's PathoDetect TM MTB RIF & INH Resistance Detection Kit into the National TB Elimination Programme's Ni-kshay portal. This kit enables rapid and accurate detection of multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB), providing critical insights for tailored treatment strategies. With its ability to identify resistance to key first-line drugs like Rifampicin (RIF) and Isoniazid (INH), this kit is pivotal in the fight against TB.


Revolutionary Diagnostic Tools

Mylab has also introduced the Cy-TB test from Serum-Mylab, a groundbreaking diagnostic tool for latent TB infection. This innovative test detects latent TB before it progresses to an active disease state, offering a cost-effective and accurate solution for TB screening, particularly in high-burden regions.

Additionally, Mylab has unveiled MyBeam, an AI-enabled portable X-Ray device designed to enhance TB screening capabilities. Collaborating with various agencies, Mylab has deployed over 110 chest X-ray devices across India, facilitating early detection and intervention for TB cases.

Empowering Communities, Saving Lives

Mylab's contributions extend beyond technological innovation. By providing cutting-edge diagnostic solutions and fostering strategic partnerships, Mylab is empowering communities and saving lives in the relentless battle against tuberculosis. With unwavering dedication and pioneering spirit, Mylab continues to drive progress towards a TB-free India and a healthier future for all.


Reflecting on these developments - Hasmukh Rawal, MD & Co-founder of Mylab Discovery Solutions, stated,

Our commitment lies in providing a comprehensive suite of solutions for TB screening, detection, and prevention. From our indigenous Cy-TB test integrated into NTEP to the MTB RIF & INH Resistance Detection Kit and the AI-enabled portable X-Ray device, we are honoured to contribute to the Prime Minister’s initiative to eradicate TB by 2025.”

“At Mylab, we are dedicated to leveraging technology and innovation to address public health challenges like TB, and we remain steadfast in our mission to create a TB-free world. We thank all our partners and stakeholders for their support in this crucial endeavour”, he added.

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Reflecting on Progress: World Tuberculosis Day 2024 and the Global Fight Against TB

By:-Dr. Krutarth Kanjiya, DNB, FNB (Infectious Diseases) Fever & Critical Infectious Specialist, Sterling Hospitals.

25 Mar 2024

Every year, millions fall victim to tuberculosis (TB), a preventable and curable infectious disease that remains the world's top infectious killer. While once considered untreatable, medical advancements have provided effective control and cure methods. World Tuberculosis Day, on March 24th, serves as a crucial moment to reflect on the progress made and reignite global commitment to ending this disease.

Slow Progress:

The global TB burden has been decreasing, although slowly, at around 1.5-2% annually. However, challenges remain. Factors like a large pool of latent TB infections, an aging population, and slow case detection contribute to this slow decline. Vulnerable populations, including those in poverty, crowded conditions, or with compromised immune systems, are most at risk.

While there are challenges, we also have made advancements:

Increased access to diagnosis and treatment: Improved diagnostic tools like rapid molecular tests have enabled quicker and more accurate TB detection. Additionally, the wider availability of effective antibiotics and treatment regimens has improved patient outcomes.

Focus on multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB): MDR-TB is a serious strain of TB resistant to standard treatment. Increased awareness and the development of new drugs have led to improved strategies for managing MDR-TB.

Investment in research and development: Ongoing research is crucial for developing new diagnostics, vaccines, and treatment options.

This day serves as a powerful reminder that the fight against TB is far from over. By acknowledging the progress made, recognizing the existing challenges, and taking decisive action, we can create a world free from the burden of TB. This requires sustained commitment from governments, healthcare organizations, researchers, and communities alike to build a future where TB is a disease of the past, not a threat to the present.

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The Evolving Landscape of Contraception in Women's Health

By:- Mr. Raheel Shah, Business Development Director at BDR Pharmaceuticals

19 Mar 2024

In the pharmaceutical industry, the evolution of contraception represents not only a scientific journey but also a commitment to enhancing women's health and empowerment. From traditional formulations to groundbreaking discoveries, pharmaceutical companies play a pivotal role in shaping the landscape of contraceptive options available to women worldwide.

Innovation in Contraception

The journey of contraceptive innovation within the pharmaceutical sector has been marked by a continuous quest for efficacy, safety, and user convenience. Through research and development efforts, pharmaceutical companies have introduced a wide range of contraceptive products, including hormonal contraceptives, intrauterine devices (IUDs), and non-hormonal alternatives.

Long-acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), such as hormonal implants and IUDs, exemplify the pinnacle of pharmaceutical innovation in contraception. These products offer extended protection against unintended pregnancies with high levels of effectiveness and user satisfaction. By investing in the development of LARCs, pharmaceutical companies have revolutionized the landscape of contraception, providing women with reliable and convenient options for family planning.

Addressing Unmet Needs

Pharmaceutical companies recognize the importance of addressing unmet needs in contraceptive care, particularly in underserved populations. Efforts to develop tailored solutions for diverse demographic groups, including women with specific medical conditions or lifestyle preferences, demonstrate a commitment to inclusivity and accessibility.

Moreover, the expansion of access to contraception remains a priority for pharmaceutical companies, who work closely with healthcare providers and policymakers to overcome barriers to access. By implementing initiatives to improve affordability, distribution channels, and education, pharmaceutical companies contribute to expanding contraceptive options for women worldwide.

Future Directions and Innovation

Looking ahead, the future of contraception holds promising opportunities for further innovation and advancement within the pharmaceutical sector. Emerging trends, such as digital health solutions and male contraceptive methods, present new avenues for research and development. Pharmaceutical companies are leveraging technology to develop smart devices, apps, and wearable technologies that enhance contraceptive management and user experience.

Furthermore, the exploration of male contraceptive options represents a significant frontier in contraceptive research. Pharmaceutical companies are investing in the development of male contraceptives, including hormonal injections, non-hormonal pills, and topical formulations. By broadening the contraceptive landscape to include male-centered solutions, pharmaceutical companies aim to promote shared responsibility in family planning and enhance reproductive autonomy for couples.


In conclusion, the evolution of contraception in women's health reflects the ongoing commitment of pharmaceutical companies to innovation, inclusivity, and empowerment. Through research and development efforts, pharmaceutical companies have transformed the contraceptive landscape, offering a diverse array of options to meet the needs and preferences of women worldwide. As we continue to drive innovation in contraception, pharmaceutical companies play a vital role in advancing reproductive health and promoting gender equality. By embracing emerging trends and addressing unmet needs, we move closer to a future where every individual has access to safe, effective, and personalized contraceptive care.

Even in 2024, the alarming issue of gender disparity in cancer diagnosis and treatment continues to plague healthcare systems globally. This disparity manifests in various ways, leaving women facing far greater challenges than men throughout their cancer diagnosis and treatment to post treatment rehabilitation. 

The Scope of the Problem in India

India presents a stark illustration of this disparity. With over 500 million women and girls facing the risk of cervical cancer, the annual death toll from the disease remains a staggering 77,000. The National Cancer Registry paints an even grimmer picture, estimating that by 2025, India will witness 230,000 new cases of breast cancer annually, with a concerning trend of increasing diagnoses in young women.

Several deeply rooted factors contribute to this significant disparity in women's cancer care:

1. Poverty: A significant barrier for countless women, particularly in rural areas. Poverty restricts access to quality healthcare, including preventive screenings, diagnostic tests, and specialized cancer treatment. This lack of access often leads to late diagnoses, when treatment options are limited and less effective.

2. Lack of Awareness and Education: Limited access to information and education regarding cancer symptoms, risk factors, and available screening options keeps many women unaware of the importance of proactive health management. This lack of awareness can delay seeking medical attention, jeopardizing early detection and successful treatment.

3. Cultural Stigmas and Taboos: Deep-seated societal norms and cultural taboos surrounding women's health can act as significant barriers. This can prevent women from openly discussing their symptoms, seeking medical advice, and making informed decisions about their health.

4. Gender Bias in Healthcare Systems: Instances of implicit and explicit gender bias within the healthcare system can contribute to the disparity. This can manifest as dismissiveness of women's concerns, inadequate communication, and a lack of sensitivity towards their specific needs and experiences.

5. Limited Research and Access to Advanced Treatment Facilities: The healthcare infrastructure in many regions lacks resources dedicated to women's specific health needs, including cancer research and specialized treatment facilities. This limited access to advanced diagnostic tools and treatment options further disadvantages women compared to men.

Addressing the Disparity

Empowering Women through Education: Comprehensive educational programs encompassing information on cancer types, risk factors, and available health services are crucial. This includes raising awareness not only among women but also within the community, fostering open communication, and tackling any cultural stigmas surrounding women's health.

Investing in Healthcare Infrastructure: Strengthening healthcare infrastructure in underserved areas is essential. This entails establishing accessible and well-equipped diagnostic centers, promoting early detection programs, and ensuring the availability of skilled healthcare professionals trained in women's cancer care.

Combatting Gender Bias: Healthcare institutions must actively address the gender bias within their systems. Implementing sensitivity training for healthcare professionals, promoting open communication practices, and ensuring equitable access to quality care for all genders are crucial steps in this direction.

Targeted Research and Development: Investing in research dedicated to women-specific cancers, exploring the impact of hormonal and biological factors, and developing targeted therapies must be prioritized.

Closing the gender gap in cancer care requires a combined effort from policymakers, healthcare institutions, and communities. By addressing the underlying social, economic, and systemic factors, we can ensure that all individuals, regardless of gender, have equal access to the information, support, and treatment they deserve in the fight against cancer. Inspire Inclusion encourages us to recognize the incredible resilience and strength of women keeping families and communities together and help them achieve equal access in the most difficult times of her life.

Video Campaigns

Fueling Hope: Unveiling the Role of Nutrition in Oncology! Join us for a transformative virtual session as part of our campaign, 'Empowering Oncology Through Nutrition' during National Cancer Awareness Month. Dive deep into the vital discussion on the Scope & Challenges of Cancer Screening in Follow-up Care for Cancer Patients. Let's pave the way for comprehensive support and brighter futures together. We'll go live on 22nd April 2024 at 7:00 PM. Register Here For The Session: Meet The Speakers: Dr. Ghanashyam Biswas, Consultant - Medical Oncologist, Executive Director: Sparsh Hospitals and Critical Care, Bhubaneswar Dr Anoushka Amlani, Team VOH

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Fueling Hope: Unveiling the Role of Nutrition in Oncology! Join us for a transformative virtual session as part of our campaign, 'Empowering Oncology Through Nutrition' during National Cancer Awareness Month. Dive deep into the vital discussion on the Scope & Challenges of Cancer Screening in Follow-up Care for Cancer Patients. Let's pave the way for comprehensive support and brighter futures together. We'll go live on 22nd April 2024 at 7:00 PM. Register Here For The Session: Meet The Speakers: Dr. Ghanashyam Biswas, Consultant - Medical Oncologist, Executive Director: Sparsh Hospitals and Critical Care, Bhubaneswar Dr Anoushka Amlani, Team VOH


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Virtual Discussion 2: Head On Against Head & Neck Cancer Join us for the second virtual session of 'A Series of Virtual Discussions: Head On Against Head & Neck Cancer,' organized by Voice of Healthcare and powered by Merck. Let's unite to raise awareness, share insights, and drive action towards early detection, treatment, and management of head and neck cancers. Together, we can make a difference! We'll go live on 19th April 2024 at 7:00 PM.


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Breaking Barriers: Advancing Solutions for Diarrhea Challenges! Join us for an insightful virtual session as we delve into the multifaceted approach to addressing diarrhea challenges, integrating perspectives from health, industry, and policy. Learn from experts and stakeholders as we explore innovative strategies to combat this prevalent issue. Organized by Voice of Healthcare and Powered by Dr. Reddy's, this session promises to unlock valuable insights and foster collaboration towards improving healthcare outcomes.


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