Dr. Pankaj Chhatrala | OrthoHeal

By - VOH Team

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30 Oct 2023


OrthoHeal’s Dr. Pankaj Chhatrala isn’t just fixing orthopaedic ailments. He is bridging systemic fractures to foster silo-less, multidisciplinary & accessible healing. 


Dr. Pankaj Chhatrala is the CEO of OrthoHeal, and in this tribute feature, we aim to capture the chronicle of his journey, his mission and his impact. 


We start by striving to define Dr Chhatrala’s versatile personal and professional identity briefly for our readers. Here it is, in his own words…

“I am an innovator, inventor, researcher and healthcare entrepreneur. I am also the Co-founder of OrthoHeal, a revolutionary startup with patented flagship FlexiOH® orthopaedic immobilization technology for post-fracture healing and rehabilitation. 

At a time when everyone wanted to be either a doctor or an engineer, I managed to crack both! This helped me blend medical knowledge from MBBS with problem-solving engineering instincts through Masters in Medical Science & Technology (MMST) from IIT-Kharagpur to build a holistic mindset towards challenges in healthcare and technology.”


“My entrepreneurial startup - OrthoHeal based in Gujarat (India) & Dallas (USA) - is an embodiment of my vision for efficiently evolving the state of healthcare innovations for safe and comfortable healing experiences.

It is indeed, a one-of-a-kind orthopaedic immobilizer that blends precision, rigidity, washability and ventilation without compromising the comfortable during post-fracture healing experience.” 


We move onto the next query and urge Dr Chhatrala to dwell on the big philosophy and undercurrent that’s powering his quest. What is his success mantra? The idea leader’s answer is short, crisp and profound: "Genius is one percent inspiration, ninety-nine percent perspiration.” 


So how did this idea and philosophy become the driving force of Dr Chhatrala’s life? Was there any person or life-altering experience or turning point that caused it or inspired it? The man elaborates….

“It wasn’t one specific moment that transformed me. Appreciation for hard work blended with creative excellence was ingrained in me since my childhood. My father, Mr. Kuman Gopaldas Chhatrala, was forced to leave his clerical service at a local school and take up farming in order to support the financial needs of a large, joined family.

Seeing him make the most of his hard work and ingenious financial management in desperate times to eventually rise to the prosperous times of becoming a land-owner, made a deep impact in my understanding of the world and my pursuit for excellence.”


So what lies up ahead? What are the big challenges Dr Chhatrala and his teams are training their sights on? The idea leader happily divulges his plan…

I wish to help create a future where:

1.  Quality Healthcare and Effective Medical Solutions aren’t treated as Privileges but basic necessities.

2.  Access to Comfort and Freedom from Pain are Mainstream Healthcare Protocols Regardless of Financial or Social Status.

3.  Cross-disciplinary Ideas across Science and Art can Come Together to Expedite Milestone Innovations.


It’s been a compact and revealing session, and we are certainly richer from gaining a peek into a passionate visionary’s inner mind. As we wish Dr Chhatrala the best in his forward quests and aim to take our leave, we request him to share a few words about Voice of Healthcare. Here’s the excerpt :

“VOH serves as a powerful platform that not only brings together professionals from the healthcare community but also adds direction, inspiration, and positive energy to the industry. Initiatives such as VOH help celebrate Idea Leaders for their crucial role in shaping the future of healthcare by highlighting groundbreaking ideas and visionary thinkers. By showcasing these exceptional individuals and their innovative concepts, the conference sparks conversations, ignites curiosity, and fosters a sense of collaboration among attendees.”

Also read about Idea Leaders

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